Welcome to our page! Calvary St. Augustine Episcopal Church is a faithful congregation located in the Belmont Section of Philadelphia, PA. We love to worship the Lord. We love to join in fellowship. We love to engage in ministry. And we love to serve others. These are all direct expressions of our faith. Hopefully our website will give you a taste of who we are.
Thanks for stopping by. Get to know us better. Join our worshiping community and/or our work in whatever way you can. There’s more than enough to do.
Pastor Renee McKenzie
Step CDC
Please visit often for updates!
Prayers for Healing
Thursdays @ 11AM
Mission Statement
God is calling our congregation to grow spiritually, share our life with God's children and make know His love through word and deed.
Vision Statement
We are a welcoming inclusive church offering without distinction t age, class race, gender, sexual orientation or able bodieness, a spiritual, social and educational hub for the Belmont Community. We share lively, spiritual and relevant worship and offer a place of safety, encouragement and education for young people.
I truly enjoyed my time at Calvary/St. Augustine’s. The congregation was welcoming and friendly and you truly made me feel at home from the moment I stepped inside. Worshipping with you was not just a joyful experience but left me feeling the Spirit for the rest of the day. The Spirit of the Lord is truly present in your church and in your people. I look forward to the time when I can come back again. - Kirk Berlenbach